Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Golf Course Report
October 2019

Procrastination has gotten the better of me and I have put off this report for long enough.  Truth be told, I have penned two previous editions but neither one seemed to capture the levity of where we were, how we got here and our commitment to improving Stonebridge beyond expectations.  One of my drafts included an extensive list of accomplishments that would make any team proud, then I was reminded of the projects that did not make it into our busy schedule this summer.  My second draft was a bit more poetic.  I tried to shed some light on the challenges of dealing with ever changing weather patterns, from the record heat to 28 days of rain in August to the driest September on record back to record heat in October.  These are the times when motivation and teamwork really come in handy.  That’s when I decided to scrap the second draft, I simply couldn’t convey the love and respect I have for my team in a report.

Third and final attempt.  Our goal is, has and always will be; to make the golf course better each year.  I am immensely proud of the work that our team has amassed in my time at Stonebridge.  We have changed soil structures; we have expanded playing surfaces where possible and we continue to explore ways to improve your experience on the course.  My goal was not to list past projects or goals achieved, our list going forward is always larger than the list that preceded.  With that in mind, we have a couple of more projects to squeeze in before Opening Day.  I have had two separate consulting Agronomist help with our new fertility program.  One program was focused on the greens, which has already started.  The other is a Nitrate based program for our fairways.  This is a more readily available nitrogen source that should produce better conditions throughout the season.  We are hoping that the projects completed will both be effective and appreciated, even if they go unnoticed.

As they say, “the Proof is in the Pudding” and I believe our Pudding will be better than ever this year.

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