Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Golf Course Report
November 2014

November brings the change of season.  Our main focus turns to playability and member satisfaction.  Every summer we tend to make progress with our cultural practices.  This year is no different.  The aerification, verti-cutting and topdressing that were accomplished this summer will help provide an enhanced playing surface for all our members and guests throughout the winter season. 
We continue to work diligently on our most challenging playing surfaces.  The greens on #15 and #17 are responding well to the programs put in place.  The fairways are equipped to withstand the rigors of the traffic that is anticipated and the tees are being pushed every week to allow a great starting point to every hole. 
As we look forward, our focus will be on liquid fertilization and non-intrusive maintenance practices.  This includes fertigation, supplemental tee and fairway applications and focusing on perimeter areas that will improve playability.  As our traffic increases, we will start to encourage a “Road Less Traveled” by posting signs and stakes to reduce the damage of incessant traffic.  Our goal is to keep these at a minimum to allow the course an unfettered appearance. 

I do not like to “Wax Poetic”, but it is hard to put into print the heart and soul that I feel for Stonebridge.  Not just the golf course but the entire property.  I believe we can be the Standard Bearer for all of Southwest Florida.  I am blessed with an incredible staff that has bought into our goal of achieving perfection.  We have identified our challenges and we have a clear plan to correct our deficiencies.   The playing surfaces remain in excellent condition and will continue to improve.   We are looking forward to presenting an outstanding challenge for the Stonebridge Cup and for the member events that follow.