Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Golf Course Report
November 2016

Due to the buzz of activity during the month of October, this is my first report since the torrential rains of September.  How ironic, as I write this update it has been close to 4 weeks since our last rain event.  While preparing to write this report, I took the time to review the November Report from 2015.  At this time last year we were experiencing 90 degree temperatures with high humidity.  That weather was a prelude to a strong El Nino weather pattern that produced record amounts of rain throughout the winter months.  This year is a little closer to “Normal”.  As with any weather pattern, we will adjust and protect as dictated. 
The “buzz” I referred to in the previous paragraph represents the arrival of a whole new fleet of equipment, installation of our new recycled-water wash area, a fresh coat of pine straw, planting of our winter Annuals, Palm tree trimming, pressure washing all sidewalks and all the other little things that may go unnoticed. 
The new technology represented in our equipment has already paid dividends.  The setup of the mowers are more consistent, providing less stress to our turf and producing a healthier more vigorous growing medium.  We are very optimistic for this Season, our sod project on #17 green has taken well and we continue to enhance our other weak areas.  As we work toward “Tournament Season” we will pay special attention to the details and other factors effecting playability. 
We evolve every year; our goal is to present an enhanced and different experience each and every Season.  The improved landscaping, the new mowing patterns, the state of the art fairway program and the multitude of little things will provide an enjoyable experience for all of our members and guests.
Healthy turf and proper growing conditions give us the flexibility to adapt to the wants and needs of our clientele; the ability to make the greens firm and fast, the ability to make them fair and receptive and everything in between.  We are looking forward to a “Banner Year” at Stonebridge. 

It is my goal to be perfect.  We are better this year than last year.  We will be better next year, and we will continue to improve until perfection is achived.