Thursday, June 6, 2019

One more update before we "Grip it and Rip it"

 As we continue to heal up from a very aggressive closure, I just wanted to give those that want to be in the know, a heads up on what to expect as we release the golfers back onto the course.  

The right side of #2 continues to be "under construction", most of the material was removed over the last 2 weeks but we have a long way to go to shape and grade the new area for cart path and sod.  Our goal is to reduce the amount of traffic that effects the front half of the Fairway, widen the playable surface and provide a bit of color to the process.  

As for the turf conditions.  The greens have healed up nicely and we will continue to roll and tweak the height of cut to provide optimum playing conditions.  The fairways are still holding a lot of sand at the top of the canopy.  This is a good thing, agronomically speaking.  The more sand we have in this region, the more thatch we can breakdown.  We have a few areas that are showing signs of heat stress.  The addition of our all black compost material on some of the Tees and Fairways and the lack of irrigation and rain due to Mother Nature and a power surge from FPL, has led to some scorching of turf.  Rest assured that these areas will recover quickly and with the addition of our new programs they will be able to handle added stress in the future.  

Stay tune, in the next few days, for pictures of the multiple projects that are happening here at Stonebridge.  

I am a firm believer in the statement that "If you are not moving forward, you are moving backyards"  

Monday, June 3, 2019

A Flury of Activity

 Below you we find pictures of a few of the cultural practices that were performed during the first week of our closure.  All of these processes play a specific roll in improving the overall health and vigor of the golf course.  Vigor is a key word in our industry, with proper turgidity and plant vigor we will have a better chance of withstanding the abusive amount of traffic that our undersized course endures each season.  We have spent the better part of my tenure here focusing on reversing poor fertility and irrigation practices by altering the soil structure and introducing products that will reduce Sulfides and promote healthy turf.  Our greens profile looks to be on the mend and we are employing some new strategies on our Tees and Fairways that should enhance our year round receptiveness to our new nutrient program.  

Core aerification allows us to remove compacted Organic Matter that constricts the roots available Oxygen.  These open holes provide a adequate channel for fresh clean sand.  This Topdressing process has multiple benefits.  First and foremost, water infiltration through proper porosity and thatch reduction.  DryJect is another form of aerification that allows us to immediately inject the greens with a portal of Kiln dried sand.  Over the course of the summer, we will effectively remove and replace close to 30% of the putting surfaces.  This process in also being employed to the Tees and Fairways.  As the demand and expectations grow, so does the intensity of our cultural practices.  

Our goal is to improve the entire property each and every year.  This year we have added a "Soil Conditioner" to our arsenal of products.  This product is pack with beneficial microorganism that will help provide soil stability where we need it most.  As you can see from the photo included, we have applied this product to our most troublesome Fairways and Tees.  With this being a composted, all natural organic product, it surely came with a bit of odor.  Once this is incorporated into the canopy, I am assured that the aroma will subside.  This coarser material has also proven to help with compaction relief and water holding capacity.  I am intrigued to see the results of this first application.  

I have challenged myself to be more diligent on keeping everyone informed on our activities during the summer.  We have a lot of projects planned that will change the way you look at the golf course.  These two week closures are essential to our success and our Tuesdays play a very important role.  I know words, pictures and promises only go so far.  We will be better, we will gain your trust and we will turn your frown upside down.   

Core aerification

Tee and Fairway aerification
Application of Command Soil Conditioner

Fairway Topdressing