Monday, April 3, 2017

 Day 6 - Completion (almost)

Today was the adjusted target date for completion.  Unfortunately another equipment malfunction resulted in a slight delay.  The remainder of the work consists of sealing the transition from the new wall to the existing rock formation on the west side.  The steps completed today include installation of the "deadmen", inserting the tie-backs, nailing down the Cap piece and backfilling the soil.  

Once the loose ends are secured tomorrow, we will begin to clean and grade the disturbed area, re-install the irrigation and prep for sod.  The goal is to have the sod on the ground next week.  This will allow some time for the soil to settle and any addition fill dirt can be applied to achieve a seamless transition.  Thank you for your patience and understanding as we "Make Stonebridge Great Again!"

Deadmen and tie-backs

Cap boards being installed

98% complete