Thursday, June 6, 2019

One more update before we "Grip it and Rip it"

 As we continue to heal up from a very aggressive closure, I just wanted to give those that want to be in the know, a heads up on what to expect as we release the golfers back onto the course.  

The right side of #2 continues to be "under construction", most of the material was removed over the last 2 weeks but we have a long way to go to shape and grade the new area for cart path and sod.  Our goal is to reduce the amount of traffic that effects the front half of the Fairway, widen the playable surface and provide a bit of color to the process.  

As for the turf conditions.  The greens have healed up nicely and we will continue to roll and tweak the height of cut to provide optimum playing conditions.  The fairways are still holding a lot of sand at the top of the canopy.  This is a good thing, agronomically speaking.  The more sand we have in this region, the more thatch we can breakdown.  We have a few areas that are showing signs of heat stress.  The addition of our all black compost material on some of the Tees and Fairways and the lack of irrigation and rain due to Mother Nature and a power surge from FPL, has led to some scorching of turf.  Rest assured that these areas will recover quickly and with the addition of our new programs they will be able to handle added stress in the future.  

Stay tune, in the next few days, for pictures of the multiple projects that are happening here at Stonebridge.  

I am a firm believer in the statement that "If you are not moving forward, you are moving backyards"  

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