New Concrete Path |
#3 Greenside |
Slowly but Surely
Asphalt removal by Bobcat
Unfortunately, we have encountered numerous delays in the Cart Path Project. From concrete scheduling to inclement weather, we are well behind my expected progress. My staff has worked hard to maintain access for our members and guests. It will be a "bumpy" ride as we continue to form and pour concrete with the golf course open for play. The golf course itself is responding nicely to the aggressive cultural practices implemented during our closure. A few low lying areas remain wet due to the heavy rains we received over the last two months. The rain totals for the months of June and July are just shy of 40 inches with 4 inches of that coming in a two hour span during the early morning hours of July 27th. This rain event caused our lakes to crest and the golf course to flood. We had standing water for a week following this downpour. These abnormal rains allowed us to identify previously unnoticed drainage issues. Rectifying these drainage problems will be an ongoing initiative. Our recent aerification and topdressing allowed us to dry out the course sufficiently for our Saturday opening. I am proud of the effort put forth by our staff, the course is quite playable, but far from perfect. The totality of the presentation weighs heavily on me, I will be persistent in pushing our contractor to finish this project in a timely manner. Enjoy the rest of your Summer, come Season, Augusta will try to measure up to Stonebridge.
#16 Fairway |
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