#3 new trees |
A Busy August
Our focus every summer is to improve the golf course for all of our Members and Guests. August always seems to be the month that we tackle the biggest projects of the growing season. This year provided us with the challenge of replacing and re-landscaping areas that were heavily impacted by Hurricane Irma last year. Part of this process included a "Risk Assessment" of all remaining plant material. We spent the last few weeks focusing on two major perimeter buffers that effect both the golf course play-ability and sight and sound barriers for our residents. #3 and #15 required massive amounts of new plants that will eventually mature into a solid landscape buffer designed to accomplish our goals. I have included a few pictures for those that have not seen the progress. With both of these major undertakings, my aim was to improve the buffer and to expand the playable area. We installed over 150 trees and 700 smaller plants to create a landscape buffer that will be both maintainable and functional. In addition to the foliage, we have planted close to an acre of new sod. This new grass will come in handy for those that hit the occasional wayward shot.
#3 New Plantings |
This project will continue throughout the next few months as we pinpoint areas of concern. We continue to plug in new plants in holes created by removal of plant material identified by our Risk Assessment. I want to be as thorough and patient as possible. The safety and well being of our entire property is paramount in my decision making. As we scour the golf course for assessed risks and on going removal and replacement, we will also be adding a few more Oak Trees along our "Common Strip" throughout the property. We lost quite a few trees along Winding Oaks Way. We will be focusing on key areas around the community to restore a continuous canopy throughout the development.
#3 Landscape |
#3 expanded surrounds |
I would like to throw in a few words about the golf course, where we were, where we are and where we are going. We have pushed the envelope this year when it comes to cultural practices. We saw increases in verti cutting, more aggressive aerification, a lot more topdressing and a return to normal timing of weed control. For the most part, the weather was predictable this summer. That allows us to increase our productivity by scheduling tasks around Mother Nature. We have one more course closure to put the finishing touches on a fantastic summer. I am excited about our progress and I believe it will pay dividends as we move through the busy golfing season. Our goal is to have an impact everyday and every year. This Season will be better than last and we are already making plans for improvements next year.
I would like to take a moment to thank our wonderful members for their support and patience during this busy time of the year. My team has excelled this Summer and we will continue to push for perfection. Exceeding your expectations is the driving force behind what we do. We have a few more weeks to dot the I's and cross the T's but I am confident that the golf course will be ready.
#15 New sod
dd caption |
#3 additional room |
#15 New sod |