Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Golf Course Report

January 2020

                As we head into a new year and a new decade, we have renewed ambitions for a successful future of the golf course.  Pinpointing trouble areas and employing new and innovative, science-based practices to enhance the vigor of our playing surfaces.  Through “real world” experiences and peer driven research, a few fertility and other agronomic changes were made to our program.  The results, to this point, have been crowd pleasing.  With colder weather and more traffic on the horizon, we are hoping that the herd can self-disperse, and our upgraded turf programs will weather the storm.  Either way, we will diligently work to provide the best possible playing conditions and hope to make you proud of your course. 
                Sticking with my plan of not recapping the obvious, we are all aware of the major changes made to the course and property over the past “off-season”.  However, it makes me incredibly proud to give credit to a few members of my team for initiating the idea and installing the brick pavers around most of the ball washer stations.  They take great pride in the work they do here at Stonebridge and many of their inputs go unnoticed by the golfers.  They do not fall through the cracks with me, I have profound respect and love for everyone on my team. 
                Enough with the love song.  We are all excited for 2020, the upcoming cooler temps, the multitude of golf events and even the long hot summer to come.  We like where the course is at this point and we have creative and motivated team to make it better. 

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