Sunday, July 17, 2016

Golf Course Report
July 2016

I apologize for being away for so long.  The maintenance team has continued to work hard to improve the golf course for the coming season.  I tend to get “tunnel vision” during the summer and focus on the job at hand.  This seems to result in infrequent Blog postings and less timely reports.   I promise to document the next few weeks with fervor never before seen on my Blog.  They may not be eloquent or “Hallmark” ready but I will include progression photos to update you on the chaos that is to ensue shortly.
All the normal cultural practices will be taking place during this closure; aerification, verti-cutting, and topdressing of all playable areas. To add to the FUN, we have the Landscape Project on #11, the bulkhead repair on #5, Fraze mowing of the Driving Range Tee and I just scheduled the “Kitchen Sink” for #17 green. 
The Landscape project has received quite a bit of advertising in the past few weeks.  We are looking forward to a fresh look on #11 and quite possibly, more playability for our members and guests.  This is a huge undertaking and will most likely extend past our closure.  This will be an ever-progressing project and we will add/delete where necessary.
The original plan for the bulkhead on #5 was to replace the entire wall along the back tees.  Due to the size of the wall and the depth of the water, it is advisable by our experts, to repair the damaged section and replace the entire wall at a later time.  There are options moving forward that will lessen the impact on the golf course.  We will consult with our Golf Course Architect before any final decision that is made.
We have a master plan for the Driving Range tee that is scheduled to be implemented next year.  This includes expansion and drainage.  In the meantime, I have contracted with a service that will Fraze mow our DR Tee.  This process will strip the upper 1 inch of the entire tee.  The turf will subsequently grow back through stolon and rhizome activity.  The grass portion off the tee will be closed for close to 3 weeks after the project.  Step by Step, we will improve every inch of Stonebridge.

The subsurface drainage is being cleaned and flushed on all of our greens.   #17 continues to have a slow percolation rate.  We will be sampling the “Gravel Layer” to determine if it is contributing the lack of drainage.  A USGA green that has a history of mismanagement, poor environmental conditions and/or construction related issues tends to react like a “Push up Green”.  A common practice on Push up Greens is a Drill and Fill, a form of aerification using a 1 inch drill bit to a depth of 10 inches on 5 inch centers that is subsequently filled with dry sand.  Lucky for us the contractor will be at Mediterra next week and has agreed to apply his trade to #17 during our closure.  I used the term “Kitchen Sink” earlier to express innovation, not desperation.  We are determined to solve this issue and produce a consistently quality golf course for everyone to enjoy.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  We have the Membership, the Golf Course and the Management to be the BEST in all of SW Florida.  I will not stop fighting to provide those conditions.  Stonebridge can be: Relaxed, Elegant and THE BEST!

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