Tuesday, April 16, 2013

#12 Grass Clippings
Cypres Tree

 Spring has sprung at Stonebridge.  The warmer temperatures and the higher humidity are a sure sign of Spring.  Another sure sign is the new growth on our Cypress Trees and the grass clippings left behind by our mowers.  Growth regulators and more frequent mowing will combat the excessive clipping issue.

This time of year tends to be a recovery period from the busy golfing "Season", however, by the looks of the soil profile pictured below, we can move forward with confidence.  The month of May will be a crucial month to set the tone for the remainder of the Summer. We take a lot of pride in helping Erik and Stonebridge achieve their goals.  Reciprocal play is another chance for us to show off our conditions and have our members brag about their home course. 

#3 Fairway/Rough
The root system and growth we have experienced are beyond my expectations.  The course will continue to improve and I look forward to setting the standard for other clubs to follow.

Soil Profile


Monday, April 1, 2013

Critter Damage

 A quick post explaining the recent onslaught of "Critter Damage" around the golf course.  The damage in the above picture is the result of Armadillos feasting on Grub worms that reside in our root zone.  There are a couple of ways to deal with this situation.  The first is an all out war on the Armadillo.  The second is to eradicate its food source.  While the golf course is full of members and guests, we will be spot treating for Grubs in our most infested areas.  During late Spring and early Summer the goal is eradication.  In the meantime, Erik has informed me that the golfers receive free relief from "burrowing mammal damage." 
